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1937 Iorgu Ivan, Demisia din Preotie
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25. K. HEIN, Eucharist and Excommunication. A study in early Christian doctrine and discipline, Bern, Frankfurt am Main, 1973;
26. G.D ERCOLE, Penitenza canonico-sacramentale dalle origini alla Pace Constantiniana, Roma, 1963.
27. Georg MAY, „Bann IV”, Gerhard MÜLLER, Gerhard KRAUSE, Theologische Realenzyklopädie, Band. 5, Autokephalie – Biandrata, de Gruyter, Berlin, 1980, pp. 170-182.
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29. John Anthony MCGUCKIN, The Westminster Handbook to Patristic Theology, Westminster John Knox Press, 2004, pp. 133-134.
30. N. MILASCH, Das Kirchenrecht der morgenländischen Kirche, pp. 496-497; Nicodim MILAŞ, Canoanele Bisericii Ortodoxe însoţite de comentarii, trad. U. Kovincici şi N. Popovici, vol. I, partea I, Tipografia Diecezană, Arad, 1930, p. 189.
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40. P. D. STERN, The Biblical Herem: A Window on Israel’s Religious Experience, Scholars, Missoula, 1991;
41. Hyung Dae PARK, Finding Herem?: A Study of Luke-Acts in the Light of Herem, coll. The Library of New Testament Studies, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2007.
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